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SPARK Digital Commons Repository

SPARK is the Institutional Repository (IR) for Bethel University's digital resources and digital commons for advancing the strategic objective of supporting open access to Bethel's scholarship.

Managing Conferences and Events

Bethel Online Events

SPARK has tools that make it easy to plan, promote, and publish conferences and events.

Planning an event is easy with a single platform and URL that announces and showcases event publications. Two annual events at Bethel are listed here:

Day of Scholarship is a faculty event sponsored by the Provost.

Science Symposium is an interdisciplinary student event sponsored by the Colleage of Arts and Sciences.

These online events coincides with the physical in-person event, making poster's accessible online and preserving all posters presented. 

SPARK events are online placeholders for annual events and can be repeated each year to highlight Bethel's scholarly accomplishments. 

Events can call for papers as well as archive proceedings.

If you would like assistance with an event, please email:

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