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Selected resources for education research

Welcome! This guide is designed to make it easier for you to find and use library resources most commonly used by those doing Education-related research in Bethel's Library. Use the tabs on the left to find help with various types of resources.  

We're here to help! Don't hesitate to get in touch via the contact info shown below. 

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Search Tips

You've got your research question; now it's time for effective searching. Try these tips:

  • Brainstorm a variety of keywords (achievement, performance, ability, aptitude)
  • Connect keywords with AND (poverty and education and achievement)
  • Use quotes to search for an exact phrase ("social inequality")
  • Use OR to search synonyms (poverty or low-income and education)
  • Search by keywords, not sentences (poverty and "secondary education" and achievement instead of effect of poverty on high school students)
  • Use * to get different endings of a root word (school* finds school, schools, schooling)
  • Look for subject terms or descriptors; use these terms to find more articles on your topic

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