CDs and LPs are on the 4th floor of the BU Library in HC405.
CD call numbers all begin with the letters CD. LP call numbers all begin with the letters LP. What follows CD or LP determines where the recording will be found.
"Genre" call numbers: an abbreviated genre in their call number, such as "Anth" "Band" or "Pop."
CD Pop N885 is the call number for The Norton jazz recordings.
CD Anth T97d is the call number for Dances of the Ragtime era. ("Anth" for Anthology)
"Composer" call numbers: one-letter composer abbreviations or whole-names of composers.
CD D988 8.2 sy is the call number for a recording of Dvorak's eighth symphony. (D for Dvorak)
CD S365 1 cp is the call number for Piano concertos: Arnold Schoenberg. (S for Schoenberg)