Thesis Example:
Warren, Sara E. (2009). The internet and politics: Facebook as a campaign tool. M.A. University of Central Missouri.
- Author: Warren, Sara E.
- Year degree awarded: 2009
- Title of thesis: The internet and politics: Facebook as a campaign tool
- Name of institution awarding the degree: The University of Central Missouri
- Degree awarded: M.A.
Dissertation Example:
Singh, Jatinder J. (2009). Consumer ethics: The role of incidental emotion, moral intensity and affective commitment. Ph.D. The University of Mississippi.
- Author: Singh, Jatinder J.
- Year degree awarded: 2009
- Title of dissertation: Consumer ethics: The role of incidental emotion, moral intensity and affective commitment
- Name of institution awarding the degree: The University of Mississippi
- Degree awarded: Ph.D
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