
3D Printing

3D Printer

If you are new to 3D printing see the 3D Printing Guide


3D Printing Process and Cost

When you submit a file to us through the widget below, we will need to check the integrity of file design for the following: 

  • measurements
  • supports for stability
  • if a raft is needed for stability so it will stick to the printer build plate

Please specify the desired size you would like it to be, as we may need to make some adjustments.
We will notify you via email of any problems we detect:

  • to process the file 
  • estimated costs of the printed object, depending on our printer's print time
  • when you will be able to pick it up
  • Hold it at the Check Out Desk in the Bethel University Library.

We are not a high volume 3D print shop, therefore due to availability, we reserve the right to change printers and therefore print time.

The current cost is:

Cost Per Hour, rounded up to the nearest half hour:
Under 1 hour $1.00 per hour
Over 1 hour $2.00 per hour

Submit a file

Form to Submit File for 3D Printing

  • Make sure you can attach your file. Accepted formats - .stl .obj
  • Files that take 59 minutes or less to print are free (2 small items max. per person)

3D Scanning

Matter and Form 3d scanner


The Makerspace has a 3D scanner that you can use to convert physical items into a digital model:

Matter and Form (pictured above)