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Conducting Effective Searches

Maximize your searching time in online indexes/databases by using these tips

Searching for information for a paper?

Research databases are great places to search by subject/topic for books or for articles in scholarly journals, trade publications, popular magazines, newspapers, etc. 

They provide access to materials that are not normally available for free on the web.


In which research databases should I search?

Select research databases that index information sources covering the field in which you are doing research.

For example, if you are researching the topic of "business ethics", you may want to start searching in a research database that indexes business journals.

Check out the Bethel University Library webpage to see a list of possible research databases in which you could search.

Business Research Databases

Can I search in research databases the way I search Google?

Because research databases are different than Google, you will need to learn the search techniques and strategies that will make your search time more efficient and effective.

Check out the pages in this guide for some helpful pointers!